
Sunday, August 2, 2015

I'm Back!

After a very long time, I want to start my blog again. I am trying to decide what I want this blog to be. I want it to be more than just a book review blog. My tentative goal is to make it a place where I can showcase things of my own and things created by other artists, including writers, poets, painters, musicians, photographers, etc.

Some of the other things I would like to feature on here are:
-movies and music
-my own writing

If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them :)

-I am looking for two books maximum to review on this blog for the month of August 2015. For those authors whose books I did not get to before my blog went on hiatus, I am very sorry. I am looking through my backlog of books and will be emailing you. I will do one book from my preexisting list of books to review and one new book. I will announce my choices this week!

Looking forward to hearing from you guys.

-- chaitime

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